Sunday 8 September 2013

G[r]eek Alphabet : I is for Icarus and Ionic columns

I rather enjoyed this one even though parts were fiddly.

I wanted to be able to adjust the layout a bit so I decided I would make the whole of Icarus separately and then place him on the square-ish base. This also allowed me to adjust the letter I - which had now morphed into an ivy or plant covered column.

Icarus made separately from the main letter I so I can place him freely on the design
 So then I placed the column for letter I and started the sewing down. I didn't want to do too much as I knew I was going to sew Icarus on top and I didn't want to make it too painful to sew through.

Ionic column for I made with a green column and grey felt capital and base
 After I had sewn down Icarus - I used his hair sewing to sew down his head. I then added some spiral in green to sew down the column. This was part effect and partly I didn't have any green dark enough to sew it down semi invisibly.

I for Icarus all sewn down including spiral green for Ivy on the column

So now I have one final debate. I had planned some extra feather detail on the wings. I remembered belatedly and then wondered if I should add it at all. I've started it in a very pale yellow. Is is a good addition or should I have left the wings without it?
I for Icarus complete with extra possible detailing of feathers on the wings

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